Will Dr.Hillel Cohen of Gastroenterology Recommend A Series of Tests?

A gastroenterologist is a specialized doctor that deals with diseases in the GI tract that affect your gut. They treat any condition affecting the gastrointestinal system that includes gastritis, Esophagitis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulceration. These conditions cause a certain degree of erosion in the lining of your proximal gut. This causes pain such burning and gnawing after eating. There may also be other inflammatory bowel disease such as the Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis in the lower gut. Apart from that Dr. Hillel Cohen of Gastroenterology talks about liver problems such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, malignant and benign tumors in the gut, bleeding in the gut and abdominal pain.

The Procedures Performed

There are a lot of procedures followed by Dr. Hillel Cohen Gastroenterology before, during and after treatments. Such treatment often encompasses medications for short term minor issues and operation generally for serious issues. When you are referred to a surgeon for serious issues, the procedures a gastroenterologist perform will include several tests to start with. These tests are endoscopy, colonoscopy and biopsy apart from x-rays and other tests. These tests are the fundamentals of diagnosis and to know the causes and symptoms. These tests help in formulating the best approach to rectify the issues in your GI system.

What To Expect

When you first visit Dr. Hillel Cohen of Gastroenterology, the process for will start with your personal medical history as well as that of your family. The doctor will also ask you about the symptoms you are experiencing and its nature, character, duration and the relieving and worsening factors. Apart from that any previous tests and treatments you may have undergone along with other medical issues and risk factors will also be discussed. In addition to all these the doctor will ask the medications you are currently taking and any allergies that you know to have. Your social history will also play an important role during the discussion.

The Various Examinations

In order to determine your condition and likely cause of it, along with the severity of the issue the gastroenterologist will conduct several examinations, general as well as specific. General examinations will include your finger nails, skin, hands, hair, mouth and eyes to find any quick yet relevant clues. The next part of examination by Dr.Hillel Cohen of Gastroenterology will include your abdomen. The doctor will feel for masses and tenderness by tapping or listening. The examination ends with an unpleasant yet essential scrutiny of your anus.

Series of Tests Suggested

Depending on the findings of the initial examinations and anticipation of the present condition of your gut the doctor will suggest a series of tests. Your medical history will also play an important role in the type of test or tests the gastroenterologist may short list for differential diagnoses of your symptoms and its subsequent management. These tests may include any specialty areas of interest, hepatology, endoscopy, colonoscopy, blood and associated tests, helicobacter and hepatitis serology, iron studies, liver biopsy and much more. Therefore, the scope and importance of a gastroenterologist in your life is immense and should not be ignored. For more information visit here: Glades Road Medical Center

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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